Since I am in the process of looking for an agent, those sorts of questions have been weighing on my mind a great deal as of late. As part of my research I came across this piece in The Millions entitled Navigating the World of Literary Agents. There was some interesting information:
Odds. Your chances of getting accepted by an agent through the slush pile of queries ranges with each agent, but the author determined that at the agency he visited as part of a story he wrote, it was about 1 in 11,111.
Your Query Does not Get Much Time. The author writes about watching one agent “power” through 18 queries in 14 minutes.
How do Agents Find Writers. The better agents attend writer’s conferences, visit MFA programs and scour literary magazines.
Get Your Name Out. The author also got his name out writing for writing related magazines and websites.
The Importance of the Writer’s Conference, again. The author reported a marked increase in responses to his queries, including phone calls from agents, after he stepped up his attendance at writer’s conferences.
Read the article. There is some interesting information to consider.
See ya’ later. by Tim Sunderland is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Image by Stephen Silver (Open Clip Art Library) [see page for license], via Wikimedia Commons