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Love this post. It made me feel less alone in the vast world of writers! I have spent the last year and half writing a first draft of my first book. Like many new writers, I joined a writing group. My third week, I find out that the five or six hours a week I put into my own work are paltry compared to the solid six to seven hours A DAY, everyone else writes. I have a long way to go and I think sleep is the only area I can scale back on.

Tim Sunderland

Glad I could help someone. I have to go take a nap now.


This brought back memories. I know it can be done because that's what I used to do when I was studying for my Masters and working full-time. I love the stillness of the early morning and would get lots done. I'm also one of those strange people who always loved to get up through the night to feed my babies and was always disappointed when they eventually slept right through! Good luck with the writing ...and the napping!

Dan Bodine

I'm a plunker (plunk at this; plunk at that--little at a time; always thinking about it though) and this site makes me feel right at home. Thank you. My sites are http://www.socialminimalism.com/category/blog/ and http://desertmountaintimes.com/category/blog/. An old newspaper man who got 'chased out of town' once and had to settle on a judge's job to keep beans on the table. Life is interesting.

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